Saturday, August 2, 2008

burnin' trayash


Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Yee haw!

And holy shit, what were you burning? The whole shed?!

Also - I told Larry you were burning railroad ties and he said "Holy shit, those things are soaked in creosote!" Did they have a green flame?

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Also, "trayash": EXCELLENT!

Sara said...

Jeez, there was so much crap behind the shed that the previous owners left. After Chris saw a rat back there we decided it was time for a major cleaning. Chris, who had absolutely no problem burning pressure treated wood (arsenic poisoning, anyone?) even drew the line after we burned the first railroad tie. He said it was too stinky, even for him, so we weren't going to burn the others... but yesterday I saw that he had hauled the rest of them into the fire pit, so we may have another backyard barbeque this weekend. I'll keep my eyes peeled for the green flames!

Funnelcloud Rachel said...

Whew - don't breathe that crap in! Also, Larry says railroad ties are rather expensive - maybe you have a neighbor who needs them for landscaping?